What a wonderful Christmas Eve! There is a bright, glowing full moon. I came home from church, pulled up the blinds on the French doors and lit candles on the patio. Perfect moonlight to guide Santa through the night. There is something magical about Christmas Eve! If you squink just right, you can imagine that you have seen Santa and his sleigh fly across the front of the moon! If you put yourself in the right mindset you can imagine all sorts of things happening. For example, one Christmas Eve as a child, I woke up and walked out to see if Santa had made his visit. He hadn't. As I was getting back in bed, I looked out the window and noticed that there were red and green blinking lights on top of the distant neighbors roof. I had to be Santa -- but why did he stop at that house? They had no children! I stood and watched and waited to see the sleigh take off for our house. I waited and waited, then decided Santa must be waiting for me to get to sleep. Sure enough the next morning, Santa had made it down our chimney and filled my stocking! Years later I discovered that those red and green lights were at the Naval Air Station that was west of our house. On any given night you could have seen those lights blinking. That Christmas Eve, my imagination was working overtime and I would have bet the bank those lights were on Santa's sleigh! I think we should never get so old that we lose that magical feeling that allows us to believe that reindeer can fly. This should always be a night of magic and wonder and excitement. A very Merry Christmas to you all.