No, it's not a chamber pot.
At least I don't think so. She always had
a plant in it.

I placed all the comments in it - including the doubles
for those of you that announced my giveaway
on your blog! (Thank you, thank you!)
Looks like a little leprechaun was adding a little luck to the draw.

Annnddd .... this is the lucky winner of my 200th Post Giveaway ....
Patty Jo !!!

with your mailing information and this little
guy will soon be on his way to share his luck with you!
Thank you to eveyone who entered. It was fun meeting so many new bloggers.
A Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!
The 4 Friends Sale is only 2 weeks away! I will begin posting some pictures
of my new projects this week. Stay tuned for more! M.