It started late last Thursday afternoon with Diane and I delivering postcards around Salem. Diane stayed for a sleep-over since she lives a little distance away from me. We had crock pot steak soup and watched the SNL mid-week update while we applied labels and stamps to about 900 postcards. We we "hit the hay" about 11:00 p.m. so we could get up at 5:30 to go to an estate sale in Lebanon. Lebanon is about 35-40 minutes south east of Salem. This estate sale was supposed to be fabulous with years of stuff stacked to the rafters. Not exactly so, but we found a few things to take home. After stopping for some breakfast, we headed to my workroom to get busy on projects for our show.

Diane brought boxes of treasures. I couldn't resist sharing some images of them. Just looking at them in their old boxes creates inspiration.

Diane worked dilligently to make some small crowns which turned out wonderful.

I, however, didn't really get anything accomplished. Well, I take that back. I worked on a couple of snowmen that will probably stay on the storage shelf. The old mojo just wasn't kicking in that day. I was actually more successful the night before when I was labeling and stamping postcards! There are some days (weeks) when you should not try to make anything. At least for me, it is just a waste of time, energy, and supplies. On top of that, it is darned frustrating when usually things just happen effortlessly - well - almost effortlessly. So, that is why you aren't seeing any picures of my creations in this post. Hopefully, Diane will be the only living soul to see what I made that day! Since then, I have gotten some of my positive energy back. I will share some pictures of new things in a couple of days and place some Christmas items on my Etsy store. Please check back and see what I have been up to! M.
Hi Busy Lady !!
Yes, there are days when the old mojo isn't working...and then you can't work fast enough when it's on the mark:)
Can't wait to see the new treasures for sale on your etsy.
Deb :)
Isn't that frustrating?! I think I've had some prolonged episodes of no mojo! =) But we have a short school week this week so I'm going to try to get something pretty made even if it kills me. Blessings... polly
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