When I say Good Morning, not only am I greeting you -- it is a good morning! The sun is out, I can have my coffee on the patio, my hubby is home -- it is a good morning! Doesn't get much better than that! I've been working on things to take to my first antique show of the year on July 4th. It doesn't seem possible that it is a little over a week away. We have been a little stunted here in the northwest because we didn't really get a "spring" and now it's summer! I will try to take some pictures of the things I've been making to share with you. I'm still fighting the virus I caught a couple of weeks ago. The antibiotics seem to be taking their sweet time. Most of the symptoms are much better, but I can't seem to loose the tiredness. That is really frustrating to me. I have so much going on: antiques shows and events at work. I'm trying to pace myself and not push. I'm not very patient with myself, so you know how that goes! I'm trying to remind myself of all the things I have to be thankful for - waaayyy too many to list - and consider myself very blessed. Everything will get done in time. I will keep you posted (excuse the pun) and in the mean time, I will share some pictures I took this morning of my favorite things in the backyard.

Hosta blooms,

a bloom from my first hydrangea bush ...

and the first ever bird's nest from one of our trees! I have been waiting patiently for its family to vacate. My husband began pruning things yesterday and retrieved it for me. It is very fragile and not very tightly woven, but it is my first from our yard. It's a keeper! M.
Such beautiful pictures, but...
Our spring here in the Portland area was glorious, so I don't know why you in Salem didn't get one.The pink trees and the flora were every bit of what I love about this area in our lush and beautiful Willamette Valley. If it's a little rain that deters you, well, this is after all the only rain forest in the northern hemisphere. One gets used to that. Naughty girl!
Christine (Zwee!!!!!!!!)
Hi Martha...Love the pics of your blooms. And your little nest...aren't they just so delightful especially from your own backyard. I am always amazed at how they make them. I have one from years ago and the inside is so soft. I have a huge magpie nest in my spruce, but it is so high up...someday I will get it down.
I am so glad you are on the mend...it is no fun feeling tired all the time.
Enjoy your weekend!
Hugs, Nancy
Beautiful flowers. Dont you just love walking outside and finding one of your "babes" has bloomed? I do hope you are better soon and have a successful day on the 4th. Im sending a prayer up for you right now!
smiles n hugs
Hi, I enjoyed seeing your pretty flowers and that is the sweetest nest...they are the most amazing creations.
I enjoyed my visit and reading through many of your past posts. Farm Chicks looked like great fun and your July 4th sale sounds like it's going to be great.
Take care..hugs, Linda
The bird nest is a treasure! Hope you're feeling better soon! ~Jann
Hi Martha!
Hope the sale was all that you hoped for! I was gonna venture out, but, yardwork was a callin me...I love the pics of your blossoms.....I am just getting into gardeniing...I have spent way too much time on my "business" and forgot about my "home"...so, I am trying to make up for lost time...as if I could... the nest is the sweetest find ever!!!! I have 3 so far and am waiting for Mrs. Robin to vacate her nest...she has filled it up 3 times already!!!
Many Blessings,
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