In preparation for the trip, I made a liner for my little shopping cart. It was really fun and there were so many possibilities to consider. I knew I wanted something that reflects my work and it had to have a pocket for my water bottle. I think I managed to nail it. I used a brown and ecru ticking and lined it with a little ecru and cream print cotton. I added a floral linen panel down the front and edged it with brown tatting. The top edge is an old tablecloth with crocheted lace.

I made an over-sized tag with my business name and embellished it with scraps of fabric, ribbon, lace, tulle, etc. It is definitely "me"!
I will take many, many pictures to share with you next week. In addition to shopping, we will celebrate Diane's (Molly Mo's) birthday! WOO HOO! Once we return, I will need to get serious and start making things for the July 4th antique show in Silverton. I have lots of ideas and need to get busy. Take care and have a great week. M.
What a darling work of art, Martha! I'm sure people are going strive to buy it!
Martha, your shopping cart liner is adorable. It really is so you! Can't wait to see you up in Washington. Right about now I am wishing I was just a shopper and not a vendor. So much to do and I'm running out of time. Oh well, it is still going to be a ton of fun!
Martha!! This is just adorable!! I so wish I was going to this shin-dig...maybe one day ~ Don't turn your back on that cute little cart or it may vanish! xxoo, Dawn
Oh so cool!!
Ok, I have to have a liner like that. You do realise that you could sell those! I'm first in line.....
Wish I could get up to Spokane!
Beautifully done and a perfect representation of you and your work!! Have a fabulous time in Spokane!!
Hugs, Aleta
your liner is too dang sweet!!!! I will be lookin for it!!! Surprise!!!!! I will be a vendor!!!!
so darn sweet!!!!.......I will be lookin for it...I will be a vendor!!! surprise!!!!
Oh Martha...I just love it! I was just saying to my hubby that I should have one of those carts. And now, I will! You have inspired me.
Have fun this week!
Hugs, Nancy
This is wonderful and soooooooooo unique Martha. It turned out beautifully. Just so darned creative!
your cart looks adorable!!!
The liner is really cute. Have a great weekend!
I love your liner! Have fun filling your basket with fun finds! Wish I could go!!
Hi Martha -
Your shopping cart liner is just perfect! Thanks for sharing it with us. I know you will have a fantastic time at Farm Chicks. Wish I were there.
LOVE LOVE LOVE your liner! I want to make one for my cart as well. Thanks for the inspiration!
I just love your cart and cute! I hope you don't mind, but I put a picture of it on my blog, properly credited.
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