Just like Goldilocks, Miss Zoe is trying to decide which bed would be juussst right!
Unfortunately, neither of these little cuties will be "just right" for her. She is about 70 pounds too much dog, but they could be perfect for some of her smaller friends.
A few weeks ago, I bought the Summer 2010 copy of Flea Market Style.
Just a few pages inside was this:

for an extra special pooch!
Of course, I couldn't make just one. Elf Patty had found some
great old legs and we felt brave enough to make one from
"scratch". Well, it was a learning experience and we used
every power tool in my arsenal - but we did it! And no one got hurt
in the process. Major accomplishment!

Antique Flea Market this weekend in Puyallup!
If you can't make it this weekend, have no fear --
I love making these little beds and will have more at my next show!
In the mean time, Miss Zoe will have to settle for a bed that is a little
less fancy. Like the sofa, loveseat, bay window, our bed ..... M.
Oh, I would love to have one of those sweet beds for my little Mini Doxie, Joey. But he would chew the gorgeous posts right down to a nub and chew and 'dig' the pad apart. I'm hoping to find a metal bed someday and maybe he will outgrow the chewing and tearing his bed apart. Hope you have a great time this weekend - your little doggy beds are going to go fast! I'm sure.
I saw that too! Now I want new dogs!! :)
Those are SOOOOO Cute ! Love your choice of linens... My Cats would be all over them...
These are so sweet. Good luck this weekend. I'm goingt o try and get up there, but not completely sure yet.
Take care,
Ohmygoodness Martha!!! I love your poochie beds even more that the featured one in the magazine!!!! These are adorable girl and will sell like HOTCAKES! I hope you're having a great week sweetie, hugs and love, Dawn
My sweet yellow 12 year old lab ...is all that sweeter. I took her to the vet and she is 87 lbs! No wonder I couldn't lift her into the car. She too prefers a comfy chair. Cute beds...good luck at your show.
Cute, I just loved that magazine, packed full of great ideas! So glad to meet you at the funky junk sisters show!
Oh gosh this is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Now you went and "done it" and my little bad boy Toby wants one! :) XXMollye
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