This little gal was shy ...

and preferred to stay in her cage. Notice her chic little black hat.
I think Coco would have approved!

Glittery, pumpkin fairy wands, sparkly tinsel and
Sorry, you have to really look hard to see a little imp inside.
Squishy, soft linen pillows ....
and the second of this year's special creations ...
"Be careful what you wish for..."

She creates these wonderful, detailed paper cuttings! This one is my favorite.

Or - maybe this one. I can't choose.
Then, add these glass paperweights and I want them all !

This is the third special piece that I created for Halloween 2009. It is my favorite and is still available, if you can talk me out of it! It's hanging in my entry hall and it is definitely a favorite.

Or - maybe this one. I can't choose.

This is the third special piece that I created for Halloween 2009. It is my favorite and is still available, if you can talk me out of it! It's hanging in my entry hall and it is definitely a favorite.
Speaking of favorites... I was fortunate to see many of my friends and flea buddies. It is always so nice to get to visit and catch up. A reunion of people with like minds. And that Natalie out-did herself with her pumpkin/orange cake. I think I got the last slice - Yum!
I would like to thank all the wonderful shoppers that purchased my creations. I get attached, but know they went to great new homes. It really makes it all worthwhile when I hear someone giggle, laugh and make a connection with one of them. Thank you, thank you!
If you missed this event, you can catch the next one on Saturday, October 24th. It will be the Tarte Halloween Spectacular, featuring Madame Zadora, Palm Reader! Don't miss it!
AND ... Mark you calendars for the Molly Mo's and Vintage Trifles
Holiday Treasures 2009, November 6 & 7 in Diane's sweet barn in Sublimity.
More info to come. Check back soon! M.