Wow! What a response to those pumpkins! How wonderful, but the down side is that I only have a limited amount. I guess that makes them extra special to those of you that purchased them. I have a few left and will take them to the Coburg Antique Faire this Sunday.

I have been making signs from salvaged boards - some with wire hooks, pillows from vintage linens, more pumpkins - some larger - and these old metal trays
and witches wands - some are gold! I hope to get them listed on Etsy later tonight. They will all go with me to Coburg this weekend. 

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous. I hate to talk about it since other parts of the country have been suffering. When we have this kind of weather here in Oregon, you have to enjoy it to the max. I found every excuse to be outside yesterday. Today, it's off to work.
Soon, I will be offering my second give-away to celebrate my 100th post! I'm thinkin' something Halloweeny is in order. Keep checking back for more details! M.
Hi Martha. Even I have had inquires about your pumpkins =) I've directed everyone over here. If you make more I would LOVE to get some more. Blessings... Polly
Hi Martha :)
I'm so glad that I'll be getting two of your great pumpkins:) Thank you!! Wasn't that nice of Polly. She is a sweetie. Have fun this weekend.
Warmly, Deb
Oh, how I miss Oregon--have been to Coburg many, many times when I lived in Eugene. Have fun!
Hi Martha...
I just love your little trays...so sweet. The wand is a close second!
Your pumpkins are so wonderful...
Have fun at the sale!
Hugs, Nancy
My mom, aunt and I love the trays we bought from you in Coburg this weekend!
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