I hadn't begun taking apart my little "shop" in the front room, so he designed a vignette using the calendar as part of a writing desk.
The result was so wonderful and sweet. So "me" that I didn't want to dismantle it. It made me want to sit and tend to all the crummy tasks that I avoid at my real desk in my workroom! Why not keep it and enjoy it you ask?!? It just doesn't really work for me in everyday life. I would have to purchase a laptop, sacrifice a variety of the props that I use for shows, find a better place for my file cabinets that currently are the base for my real desk.
But, for a couple of hours, I really enjoyed what I might use in the future. The pictures turned out well. I need to send them to him to edit before I submit them with my calendar story.
I know that this isn't an event of significant importance, but I wanted to share this special little vignette with you. I just shows what you can do with what you have tucked away in other rooms or your storage. If you use things that you like, it will all come together in a comfortable, pleasing way! So look around your house, garage, even the patio and create a new spot just for you! M.