I bought a sample that I just knew would be it. Wrong. Way, too aqua. How could that be? It looked absolutely perfect in the jar! Then, I remembered seeing a picture of a Martha Stewart color: sea spray blue. So off I went to Lowe's for another sample. After looking through all the chips, I ended up with two samples: sea spray blue and apothecary jar. One of these had to be it. Wrong again - well maybe not really wrong. Either would probably work fine, but it's not what I saw in my head. So I mixed equal parts of both samples and tried that. Too gray. Probably the color of some egg, just not the one I see when I close my eyes.

By this time the bedroom walls looked like an aqua patchwork quilt! My poor husband is afraid he will have to look at a minty toothpaste color or seafoam green. I keep reassuring him it will be fine. I usually can just pick out a paint chip and that is it. I have a reputation to uphold here and it's on the line. Plus, I have guests coming in a few weeks and I would like the paint to be dry when they arrive!

By this time the bedroom walls looked like an aqua patchwork quilt! My poor husband is afraid he will have to look at a minty toothpaste color or seafoam green. I keep reassuring him it will be fine. I usually can just pick out a paint chip and that is it. I have a reputation to uphold here and it's on the line. Plus, I have guests coming in a few weeks and I would like the paint to be dry when they arrive!
Not possible to cram either the thread or the collage into that little machine. So we used a scrap of wrapping paper. It still seemed a little intense so the "formula" was halved in intensity. I took a deep breath and with my head in my hands said, "Mix it." It is hard to be so picky. I should know. I've been this way for as long as I can remember.
The sample smear on the can lid looked like we had "it". I could hardly wait to get home and brush some over areas with the previous samples. well, I'm still not 100% sure, but I decided that it is just paint. If I get done and I don't like it - there is always more paint. Right? I'll report back after I paint on Sunday. - M. PS Think positive for me and say a little prayer to the paint gods - okay? Thanks.