It is still blustery and raining - actually coming down in buckets at times. My faithful companion, Zoe, didn't want to venture forth into the backyard this morning. She braved it anyway for a quick trip. She doesn't like the drying off and wiping of the paws any more than I like having to do it. It is just something we have to endure until June. This picture shows her doing one of her favorite activities - lounging.
Anyway, I need to make time to clean up my workroom. It is closing in on me. Too much clutter. I find that when I am my most creative, I work in a space on my table that is about 12 by 12 inches. Everything I am using is at my fingertips, but makes such a mess. Sometimes I feel like I am peeking out from behind it all. My friend Cindy says she does the same and that that Wendy Addison works the same way - so it must be a good thing. It is great to be able to validate bad habits. Mind you, I have everything in labeled cubbies, drawers, wire baskets, etc. I just have it all out and around me when I'm working. You never know what you might find in the bottom of a basket. A treasure, long forgotten, that is the perfect thing for a current creation! If it was neatly put away, I might not have rediscovered it. See, again, justification. If I keep it up, I will have talked myself out of cleaning all together!
Since the weather is so Halloweenie, I've included a picture of another of my fall creations. Stay inside, stay dry and watch a good movie ... it's Saturday!