After such a great show at Molly Mo's Antique Faire, I have been in search of new pieces for upcoming events. I didn't have much success at the usual estate/garage sales - except for one that was great. So Sunday, Diane (Molly Mo's) and I hit the highway early to shop the Oregon City Antique Show.
Finally, some great stuff to fill my space at the Coburg Antique Faire on September 13th! I managed to pick up some great pieces: a little desk/hall table, a creamy, wonderful old cabinet, a flaky, white bench, and many little odds and ends to entice you.
Following the Coburg show, the Deepwood Antique Faire will be held on September 20th, and the Tarte Boutique Flea on September 26th. I will be offering my new Fall/Halloween items at Coburg and at the Tarte Flea in addition to more new found treasures. Stay tuned for more info on these upcoming events. M.