A few weeks ago I said I was going to share five of my favorite things with you. I also said that you would really wonder about my mental status when I shared my second favorite with you. The first was my Converse tennis shoes. My second favorite is something new. (Drum r

oll here) A blazing fireplace in a box! I discovered this crazy thing this fall. It is a DVD that is a continuously playing fire in a fireplace. I love it!!! It has turned my TV into a very life-like fireplace. Our house does not have a fireplace and I have always loved watching a fire and listening to the popping and crackling associated with it. This DVD is the perfect, affordable solution! You pop it in your DVD player and select whether you want to have fire sounds or music or both. The music isn't exactly "me", so I just listen to the natural fire sounds. VERRRy relaxing and realistic. So realistic, in fact, that my husband forgot it was a DVD and almost suggested that we let it die down a b

it 'cuz he was too warm. I know he felt a little silly, but I'm glad he shared his thoughts 'cuz I still look up when there is a pop and crack to make sure the "sparks" don't damage the floor!!!
Miss Zoe, however, can't be fooled. She is very apprehensive of actual fires. In fact she won't come into a room with a lit fire. The little stinker is so smart that she doesn't give the DVD a second thought. Sleeps right on the floor under the TV on the bookcase and ignores it all --completely.
There you have it! My second favorite thing. I will share Favorite Thing #3 with you soon!
I want to thank everyone who visited our space at the Monticello Antique Marketplace this past weekend. It has been a great show thanks to all of you! M.