I got up early with my husband this morning. Poured a steamin' hot cuppa Joe. Pulled up the shade on the French door and what did I see???

SNOW!!! Lots of fluffy, fluffy, white snow! Wait a minute. Isn't it almost March??? Didn't I just take pictures of little flowers peaking up through the mulch? Don't I have hyacinths and daffodils coming up in my yard? Wasn't I just out working in my yard in only a sweatshirt a week ago?

Yes and all those little plants are blanketed in a nice covering of beautiful, pristine snow. And -- it's still coming down.

Yes and all those little plants are blanketed in a nice covering of beautiful, pristine snow. And -- it's still coming down.

Not to panic. Our school district hasn't declared it a snow day or even a two hour delay. Not that I have school age kids at home to keep busy. But, the weird thing is, our school district seems to cancel whenever there is the smallest amount of snow -- and they haven't. Probably means that they don't expect it to continue or stick and that it is melting as it hits the streets. Right.
Whatever, I'm off to work anyway. My husband said it could make tennis practice interesting today. Lucky for them, they have bright yellow tennis balls! Might be a short practice. Maybe we will get to have an early dinner tonight! Anyway, stayed tuned. More new project pictures coming soon! M.